Non-Euclidean Worlds

Dear Insane Children, 

A recent concept image from Jennifer for a Croquet Coaster found in the Circus Domain got me thinking about Escher-esque design concepts. There are a number of game developers implementing non-euclidean geometry in game engines and this is work I think we can continue when we start dev work on Alice: Asylum. 

Posted above is a video which illustrates the implementation of this sort of thinking within a 3D-engine. Can you imagine the sort of fun we might have in Wonderland with this sort of tech?

Joey also sends along her efforts on a “Tear Maze” where I can imagine we would use these concepts in order to extend and expand the maze beyond what appears physically possible. 

Now imagine for a moment that we take the fractal pattern-within-pattern visual concept and apply it to several critical elements of the game and narrative. How might the story of adult Alice fold into child Alice who then folds into adult Alice… on and on ad infinitum. Can you recall a fractal narrative? 

Definitely a theme worth exploring. Let me know your thoughts on this in the comments below!

Crowd Design Session

We’ll host a fresh new Crowd Design Session over on Discord tomorrow. 

What is Discord? Click THIS LINK

Pirate Jam 2020 

A few of us (me, Alex, Jen) have spent some recent cycles developing a Marketing Pitch which we’re sending to Unity. This idea is called “DOTS Ahoy” and turns Pirate Jam and related activities into a year-long effort which starts with a 3-month online game jam.

STOP – The following information is for Patrons only! – STOP 

Please DO NOT share the following link. What’s contained there is Work in Progress and it’s not yet published to the public. It’s for YOUR EYES ONLY.  

I’ve published the DOTS Ahoy Jam details over on – hit THIS LINK to check it out.

We’re looking for feedback on what’s presented there. Here’s a couple of questions to consider while reading through the page: 

  • Do you understand what’s on offer? 
  • Do you want to participate?
  • Is there anything unclear or in need of improvement?

Again, leave your feedback in the comments below. We’re hoping to make what’s presented as informative and compelling as possible. Thanks! 

See you all on Discord tomorrow!

From Shanghai with Love, 

-American (and Lulu)

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