Capons of Mass Production
Dear Insane Children, Well, that was fast! The Rabbit Makers have turned around a new prototype. This one includes a stitched nose and a black eye. Seriously, you guys, giving little rabbits black eyes? I did notice a flurry of “moar longer arms!” comments on the previous post and wanted to say… His arms are…
Fur Fury Furry Fury Fur
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FAQ : $35 for 3 Tier + Chaos Necklace : FAQ
Dear Insane Children, Just a quick note as I am seeing a TON of messages flood in regarding the $35 / 3 Month Tier and questions about how to select art or Chaos Necklace sizes. Here’s the deal: Please be patient. Font Lord has a monumental task in front of him to filter and sort…
You Laugh You Die
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Mommy, Why Is My Rabbit Growling?
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Chaos Now Reigns
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