Why So Cranky?

Dear Insane Children, 

Where does the time go!? Another day, week, and PA! PO! Another Livestream! Hit THIS LINK to set a reminder so you can join us at 9AM Hong Kong Time on Thursday, August 30th. Head over to International Meeting Planner so you can check out what time that is wherever you’re located…

Remember, YouTube is poop about reminders. If you want to join us be sure to set your own old-fashion alarm for the event. 

We have TONS to discuss – all the art from earlier in the week plus… Lots of new weapon and enemy artwork from Joey.

“Cranky” the doll-bear-monster (manbearpig, anyone?) is the latest frightful beasty from Joey’s imagination. I’d hate to go up against this thing in combat without the appropriate weapon. But Joey thoughtfully solves that problem by sending along the Nutcracker Cannon. 

I wrote to let her know I think the Nutcracker Cannon would make a fine addition to Alice’s arsenal. Seeing as how it has a face and mouth I can imagine we might even want to give a bit of personality and a voice. Might be funny to hear it trying to give Alice advice on combat with a mouthful of projectiles. Might also make sense to give it enough brains that Alice could leave it (or a small army of them) arranged around the battlefield to act as automatic turrets. 

What do you think? Is Cranky a bear-able enemy? What sort of wisdom might a Nutcracker dispense? Let’s see your comments, QUESTIONS, and SUGGESTIONS below!

And… suddenly Cranky looks downright cuddly and cute! Man, how I HATE Bumby. But he does make a perfect “Devil” card for our Alice Tarot Deck. I’ve been back and forth with Joey and Alex on design thoughts for the in-game and real-world versions of the tarot deck. Both are destined to be great. And we’d love to hear from you tarot experts out there on how best to design and present these. Might be a good section to add to the Alice: Asylum Wiki

Obligatory Chaos Coin Message

We’re only a few days away from August 31st – at which point your chance to get the Chaos Coin via the current Patreon promotion will vanish forever. Do the thing!

More Art, Design, Love

Tons more artwork to share with you during the stream tomorrow. And I’ll post more art and design notes here on Patreon after tomorrow’s stream.

To all the new Insane Children who have joined our Asylum over the past week – WELCOME!!! We’re growing our ranks at an incredible pace. And I do hope you’ll all stick around in the months to come. Your support and input make everything we’re doing here possible. 

Got questions or comments you want to share NOW? Check out our Discord Server. We’re always hanging around there and happy to chat, help, and support your insanity 😉

From Shanghai with Love,


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