Death, Taxes, and Moving

It’s been said there are few things in life more stress inducing than death, taxes, and moving. So the stress I’m feeling lately makes sense. Last week I was in Texas to visit with family – several of whom are suffering illness and old age. The time there prompted discussion and thought on the fleeting nature of life and the proper use of the time we have. 

On returning to Shanghai I started immediately packing my home / studio for a move. I’ve lived in this same central-Shanghai apartment for nearly 8 years. It’s a great location surrounded by all the hustle and bustle of a 25 million person megalopolis. But rent inflation in Shanghai being what it is, we’re slowly being priced out of the market. Fortunately there is hope… Out beyond the outer ring road lies an area called QingPu which is filled with actual *houses* – things I only have the vaguest recollection of living in back in the US – a place where the rents are cheap, the trees are abundant, and life is more relaxed. 

So we’re moving out to the countryside! Yee haw! Our rent over the coming years will go down, the amount of space we have for work and life will go up, and best of all Lulu will have an actual YARD in which to run around. Yay! But first… packing and moving! Which is what this week is all about. 

Still, some new art! Above is an image from Alex – a design for the Chaos Coin and promotion, marketing, etc. Maybe a card we include with each coin? Not yet decided. 

Some art from Joey containing a Pig Baby! She’s also sent other cool images we’ll review and discuss during the upcoming Live Stream….

And Omri is working on realistic heads for the physical box product idea. 

All of this and more will be on display during this week’s LIVE STREAM. This will be our last live stream from the old studio. Next week (hopefully) we’ll be broadcasting from an actual underground lair (sub-level below the new house). 

Get your comments and feedback recorded below!

Live Stream is at 9AM on June 21st, Thursday morning (Hong Kong Time). Please check for your local time and remember the date line! 

Hit that link and set a reminder!

PS: Everyone yell at Martin to move his butt out to QingPu and get over his anxiety about travel, new places, etc! 😛 

From Shanghai with Boxes of Stuff,


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