Why is a Flamingo like a License Proposal?

Dear Insane Children, 

Progress! The ink is flowing, the words are flying, and we’re inching our way ever closer to a new game. Even the weather in Shanghai seems on board – rapidly transitioning towards the warmth of spring. 

Joey sends along a trio of amazing new images starting with our cover image – Alice and the Flamingo. I imagine the final rendering of this image will be spectacular and can’t wait to print it in large format and hang it on the wall in my studio. 

Next up… a nighttime adventure through the haunted mountains of the Chess Kingdom.

And a glowing pool of mystery presided over by a massive… sky cow?

I love seeing the locations of Wonderland being brought to life. But more characters are also on the way. Omri’s most recent batch of Alice photo-manipulations will be the last (at least for a while). He’s now focusing his abilities on the characters of Wonderland – friends and foes. 

Expect to see some amazing new character concepts very soon!

Last but not least…

Alex is starting work on the visual elements which will bring together our license proposal document – the finished product being what’s put in front of EA for approval of the entire “Alice: Asylum” business/development pitch. Alex is working to make this document beautiful and functional. It’s something we’ll be proud to hold up as our own and which should become a collector’s piece in and of itself. 

I hope to have this document finished around the time we’re wrapping up Pirate Jam 2018 (mid-April). 

Speaking of… I have only 2 weeks before heading back to Thailand to kick off that event – and a ton of planning and organization work still to do. 

So… if you’ll excuse me, I’m putting my pirate hat on and shivering some timbers!

Arg, Mateys,


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