A Bloody Valentine

Dear Insane Children, 

Greetings from the tropical shores of Ko Phayam in Thailand! I’ve just spent the last 5 days sailing up here from Chaos’ home-base in Krabi. It was a beautiful journey with a nice mix of wind, waves, and excitement. We flew the new chaos symbol gennaker (that’s a type of big sail you fly off the front of your boat in certain conditions) on several occasions and were amazed with how fast it pulled the boat along. Wow! 

Back in China several billion people are kicking off the start of Chinese New Year with holidays, travel, and fireworks. Year of the Dog – here we come! 

But Joey still managed to find time to draft some cover image concepts. I’d asked her to meld together Alice in both her Asylum and Wonderland forms and to place critical elements like the fire, asylum, and Wonderland in the background – trying to mirror the transformation of Alice’s character and psyche. 

What image do you think works best? The Asylum background – or the split Wonderland and fire background? 

Thing is, these images are great for a poster or potential box cover – but some wires got crossed in my instructions to Joey. She was meant to render these in landscape format so that the final image could fit on the cover of the pitch PPT. Portrait won’t work, but we might as well see one (or both) of these images brought to final format, yeah? 

Joey also put work into creating a final version of the Caterpillar in Ice image. We’ll print these and deliver them to Patrons for the month of February. Happy Valentine’s Day to you all! 🙂 

Meanwhile tons of progress being made on Out of the Woods. Alex sent over sample images for the book layout. I think it’s looking fantastic – what do you think? 

That’s a little sneak peak of the actual content from the book as well. The “Take Away” section is where RJ and I riff on the moral lessons and themes contained within each tale. We had a lot of fun writing those – let us know what you think in the comments below. 

Last but not least our sponsors over at Freak Fandom just posted a new podcast where they discuss Battle Royale – “That’s right, Freaks, it’s time to talk about Battle Royale! We’re covering the film primarily, but expect some info for the novel and manga as well. This week, we’re joined by special return guest and Japanese film fan Elizabeth Baker! So remember to stay out of the danger zones, don’t try to take off your collar, and may the odds be ever in your… wait… “

You can check it out on the Freaky Fandoms website! 

Alright… I have a TON of emails and work to catch up on. I’ll get to you in a couple days with a video update. 

From the Shores of Paradise, 


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