Chaos, Tiers, Art, Woods, and Game Play!

Sooo much going on these days! I’ve been running around and working like mad since returning to Shanghai. Here’s the breakdown:

1) I’ve adjusted the Patreon Tiers – removed the $50 and $100 levels and compressed those into a single $75 tier. In that tier you get a Chaos Necklace (one time) and a monthly art print. I’ve also added (per Patron suggestion) a $35 tier which, every three months, grants you a previously released art print of your choice. If you were at the $50 or $100 level previously, please manually change your pledge to a new level.

2) Added a Patreon goal at 555 Patrons (we’re at 400 now) where we’ll print, number, and autograph an “Inmate Certificate” and mail that to all 555 Patrons. If you’ve seen our Mysterious Collector Certificates then you’ll know the sort of thing we’re talking about…

3) Chaos Necklaces have left the factory and are on their way to our logistics partner in Shenzhen! That means we’ll soon start shipping those to Mysterious customers and Patrons who are (were) at eligible levels. These things are gorgeous – your patience in waiting for them to be manufactured will be handsomely rewarded!

4) Tons of progress being made on setup and prep for Pirate Jam 2018. We put together a Facebook page for the event and are working on route maps, gift bags, and other fun stuff. Maybe we’ll offer some Pirate Jam branded stuff for sale at Mysterious… anyone interested? In case you aren’t aware, Pirate Jam is a game jam I put together in Thailand where we invite developers from around the world to hop aboard a fleet of sailboats for a week of sailing, coding, and fun in the sun. Arg, matey!

5) Moving quickly towards production-ready cards, book, instructions, and boxes for Out of the Woods. Really excited to see elements like the collector level wooden card box… Want to get your hands on all the OOTW stuff? Head over to the pre-order shop and grab your game, book, playmat, etc – NOW!

6) Uhhh… there was something else we were working on… 

Shit. I forgot… 

Dallas the Blunderhand? Palace of Underpants? Chalice of Plundered Spam… 

Oh! Alice in Wonderland! Right… 

So, Joey sends along a bunch of artwork which we’re refining for inclusion in the EA Presentation… 

We’re pushing to have a selection of key images which sell the overall concept plus smaller supporting images which communicate the game play. Added to this will be sections outlining our plans for funding, marketing, development, and leveraging of the IP (merch, film, etc). Martin and I are starting to shape the presentation now. 

We’ve also had several meetings and calls with various parties interested in helping us crowdfund, wanting to invest directly, and/or offering their development/publishing services for Asylum. Lots of good progress all ’round! 

We’ll have another live stream this week over on my YouTube channel so keep an eye out for the timing announcement. That should be posted around various Facebook pages, twitter, etc, tomorrow-ish.

From Shanghai with Brrrrr,


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