Month: October 2017

  • Mid-Autumn Festival Stream

    Martin and I discuss Alice: Asylum, Out of the Woods, and we play some Alice: Madness Returns.  We realized AFTER this stream that we neglected to answer your questions and read your comments. Sad!  So we’re planning another live stream for the near future where we focus on Patreon comments and questions. Expect that soon. …

  • Alice: Asylum and Patreon

    I recently re-launched my Patreon page around the pre-production efforts going into Alice: Asylum. If you’re interested in having early access to all the art, design, and production documents we’re generating, consider becoming a Patron. You get Early Access for as little as $2 per month.

  • Fatten the (Cheshire) Cat

    In my last message to Joey regarding concept artwork I hinted at variations on the Cheshire Cat’s presentation. Perhaps a younger, less emaciated cat? One who is still working towards getting all his ink done? I still don’t know if changing the Cat is even the right decision. Is he timeless? Does he age? Clearly…