Grimm Graphic Novel Preview
Grimm Graphic Novel Preview Art Dwight MacPherson has announced on his blog that the first episode of the Grimm graphic novels is now available for pre-order: Rejoice, children! American McGee’s Grimm #1 is now available for pre-order! American McGee’s Grimm #1 Written by Dwight L. MacPherson Illustrated by Grant Bond Covers by Ben Templesmith and…
Writing in the Age of Distraction
I stumbled on this interesting bit of advice regarding writing. It outlines some tricks I’ve also heard mentioned by writers like Stephen King and Michael Crichton: Writing in the Age of Distraction One of my favorite tricks is the “rough edge” idea (although this is the first time I’ve heard it referred to as that).…
Console Dur
Microsoft’s head of Entertainment and Devices Devision recently announced: “Just coming up with something that’s faster and prettier isn’t going to be sufficient,” Robbie Bach, Microsoft’s head of the Entertainment and Devices Division, told the San Jose Mercury News.” To which I say, “Dur.” I’m still waiting for someone smart to help do away with…
Shanda Talk Investment Strategy
A quick but interesting link to some insight coming out of Shanda at the Game Business Law Summit in Dallas: Speaking on a panel about games in Asia during the Game Business Law summit at SMU in Dallas, Shanda’s deputy general counsel, Jerry Zhang, discussed three keys that his company uses to invest in the…