Game site Stimulus.com is running a lengthy interview with yours truly where I answer questions about Grimm, how to turn fairy tales into video games, making weekly episodic content, and the future. Click on through to read more!
Another Tallest
I had to mention this, simply because the buildings here are getting so TALL. Shanghai to build ANOTHER mega-skyscraper: “Three months after opening the world’s second-tallest skyscraper, Shanghai is about to start construction of an even taller building – in the face of an economic slowdown and falling property prices.” Follow the link to check…
Terror Texts The Musical
I remember years ago hearing Marilyn Manson talk about creating a “dark bible”, one that focused on the more horrific elements of the bible: Children being eaten by bears, rape, murder, and “fool” flingers being doomed to an eternity in hell. Now I read that the students at Iowa College have gone and made real…
Grimm Episode 12 – “Cinderella”
Grimm’s back! This week he’s adding his dark touch to the uber-classic “Cinderella”. This was actually one of the first episodes we built for Grimm – but because it was so early, it turned out really rough. So we completely scrapped the original design, rebuilt the entire thing, and pushed the release date to NOW.
The Green Gamer
An interesting post regarding energy usage of consoles over at Ars Technica. The article talks about how much energy our gaming consoles use per year and the relative impact of this energy usage. It also talks about how to be an eco-friendly gamer: “By incorporating these practices, the NDRC claims that the United States’ electricity…