Exciting Times

All kinds of new things are happening at the virtual Spicy Horse. Some of you already noticed that the new site has options to eventually purchase Grimm – and you wouldn’t know that if you hadn’t clicked through every. single. page. And that is awesome.

As a neat little reward, I’d like to show you a fabulous little gem that our very own Jason Tai has produced for us. This music sample from the game is pretty well indicative of what you can expect in the future.  I’ve heard more of it – it’s hard to say “it gets even better” when so much of it is so awesome.

Also, if you’re on the forum, you already know this, but if you don’t, we’re having a Wallpaper Contest.  The winner gets some really awesome Grimm paraphernalia and is featured on the wallpaper pages for both the Spicy Horse and Grimm sites.  Two runners up will be rotated in one of the remaining spots on that page.  Knowing how creative our fans are, we’re probably going to run contests like this regularly, so even if you miss the May 31st deadline, patient will be a virtue.

By the way, I’m Lilith70, and I’ll be covering the blog periodically when American is massively swamped with things like making games.  Pleased ta meetcha.

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