AI.implant – 0$ Licensing Fee

Cool news from the guys over at Engenuity today:

Engenuity will no longer charge a licensing fee for AI.implant and will now offer perpetual source code agreements in exchange for marketing exposure relating to future titles developed with AI.implant.

Qualified Xbox 360 console developers and PLAYSTATION3 game title developers will now have full and complete access to the source code for AI.implant, Engenuity’s highly acclaimed AI middleware solution.

By taking advantage of AI.implant’s perpetual source code agreement you can create more immersive games better and faster, while tailoring the AI.implant core to your specific needs. Save on the expense of game development through the power of AI.implant, a two-time winner of the Game Developer Front Line Award for best middleware.

As far as I know the “Grimm” project was one of the first to gain access to AI.implant technology under this new licensing setup. We’ve been using the technology for a while now – and having great success. Our new on-staff “brain surgeon” is Marwin So, who also doubles as our game designer. He’s managed to pick up and run with AI Implant pretty much out of the box, teaching himself everything needed to put dynamic, interesting NPCs into our game. This is testament both to Marwin’s own decent brain, and to the ease of use and flexibility of AI.implant.

If you’re looking for a good AI solution then AI.implant (plus a Marwin) is an option worth looking into. If you’re an interested developer, check it out.

PS, Marwin not included. Get your own.


One response to “AI.implant – 0$ Licensing Fee”

  1. So does this mean that Grimm is only going to be for Xbox 360/PS3? No PC?

    BTW… you probably get this a lot, but… any news on the Alice movie? Waiting anxiously.


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