Primotech BDLA Interview

Alex Petraglia over at has posted a lengthy and informative interview that covers topics from my past, such as Oz and Alice, my present project, Bad Day LA, and a range of other subjects. Worth a read. A truly impressive Bad Day LA concept art/screenshot gallery goes along with it.

McGee’s most current and prolific venture is a title called Bad Day LA. The game, scheduled for release this year, is currently being developed by McGee at Enlight’s studios in Hong Kong. Ever wonder what happens when the most self-indulgent city in the United States gets hit by every natural (and unnatural) disaster ever conceived? McGee banked heavily on the nation’s fear obsession, a condition we have both the government and media to thank for.

In other news, McGee has hinted at a possible movie tie-in for Alice since the game was released in 2000. Those plans are finally officially confirmed. The movie will be directed by Marcus Nispel (the 2003 rendition of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and star Sarah Michelle Gellar as the title character. If all goes according to plan, the movie is on track for a 2006 wide release.

We caught up with the man and myth himself to answer some questions about his past, BDLA, and the future of the industry. Read on.


4 responses to “Primotech BDLA Interview”

  1. Shit, man- congratulations on getting Marcus Nispel, at least your work won’t be bastardized. BDLA is on Grandma’s list of games to buy (she’s an old woman who digs the idea of apocolyptic situations.)

  2. yyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss I can’t wait till it comes out=^^= keep up the good work!!!! I can’t wait to see it=^^=

  3. Glad your alice story is *finally* going to be made into a movie. I’ll leave the SMG bashing at the door since I’m sure you didn’t pick the cast. With luck it’ll be released in 06, but since it’s now November ’05 and there’s very little casting work done, and given SMG’s schedule, I think you’re looking at 07. That being said, I hope it comes out in 06. You rock, and here’s to someone not completely ruining your vision.

    (smg, sigh… ricci would have rocked, but studio heads are studio heads.)

  4. I’m so happy that Sarah Michelle Gellar is going to be in this! She wll work out great and it will make alot of money like all of her other movies like The Grudge!

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