
Here you’ll find info about ongoing projects such as Bad Day LA, Oz, Scrapland, and more…

2 responses to “Projects”

  1. Hi, my english is not good, but i´m try. For yours, i think, is like Tarzan language, congratulations for give magic to the world, magic and health madness, i´m a screenwriter from Chile, the country of Pinochet and Allende, the ass of the world. I´m a real fan of Alice, i keep the hope for a movie in theatres with Alice. I have a plot for a Game, and want knows what is the road and if your recived this plots? a. The escencial material of the souls and the artistic minds in Chile is very special. In U.S.A for a Sreep, one year or six months… In local industry, this time is tree weeks and the results, depending the writer, are very goods. I,ve many ideas for a films and games, or tv series. One month a go, in L.A Times publicaron a article wiyh this theme. The adaptation of a TV series of yor country to Chile. Ok, no cath more your time and waiting for your words…and salute!…

    Yusef Rumie

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